Arthropod Literary Journal

There are presently no open calls for submissions.



  • We accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know ASAP if the piece has been picked up by another journal.
  • We accept submissions year-round, and publish quarterly.
  • Include the author's name, address, telephone number, and email address at the top of the manuscript, along with a specific word count.
  • Authors should include a brief biographical note as a separate word document with their submission
  • Currently, submitting to Arthropod is free. In the future, we hope to instate a nominal reading fee to allow us to pay authors for their works.


  • We accept prose of ANY length, though we recommend staying below 10,000 words.
  • Each reading period, authors may submit up to:
    Three (3) pieces of Micro Fiction (​<300 words)
    Two (2) pieces of Flash Fiction (300-1,000 words)
    One (1) piece of Short Fiction (>1,000 words)
  • Authors should submit a word document in 12-point type with at least 1-inch margins, double-spaced.
  • If submitting multiple works, please send them as separate documents


  • If submitting multiple works, please send a single document, with one poem per page
Arthropod Literary Journal